The Art of Living is an International Spiritual Organization that completely transformed my life in 2007. Their many simply profound courses and meditation pracitces for all ages focus on the experience of empowerment while also giving you an invaluable breathing technique called Sudarshan Kriya (Which I have been practicing steadily now for 4 years). The basic tools are simple to integrate into life and will harness a lasting change right from day 1 of your first course. With continued practice I have seen many whom have broken through incredible mental and physical barriers using this practice alone. It is also designed so that anyone, even those new to mediation can experience a profound shift.
With love - Daniel
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10 Days to Crystal Clear Insight
Vipassana Meditation has been the basis of my sustained joy in life. I find those times when I am overwhelmed or frustrated in life that I can call upon this deep practice of observation and become still which gives me perspective. This has only been achieved due to the awareness and depth that I experienced from the Art of Living Course which I had taken prior to this course. Without that foundation I am not sure I would have been able to bare the 10 days of silence and 10 hours of meditation a day. With continued practice and an incredible book called "The Alchemist's Way" By Charles Lambrou, I have been able to integrate this practice into a moment to moment basis. I encourage you to at least give it a chance at one point in life.
With Love - Daniel
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Energetic Cacoon Meditation
Imagine a ray of white light, coming down from the center of the universe and entering through the top of your head (crown chakara).
The white light washes your body, goes into every cell, and comes out through the center of your feet.
From there in continues down to the center of the Earth, then goes up again, enter the body through the center of your feet and goes up to the top of your head.
Your body is now connected to the divine and to the earth.
When it reaches the top of your head (the crown chakara) the white light comes out, and spiral down around your body. The spiral closes under your feet.
The light changes from white to Red and spiral up around your body, and closes over the top of your head.
The light changes from red to Orange, and spiral down around your body, and closes under your feet.
The light changes from orange to Yellow and spiral up around your body, and closes over the top of your head.
The light changes from yellow to Green, and spiral down around your body, and closes under your feet.
The light changes from green to Pink and spiral up around your body, and closes over the top of your head.
The light changes from pink to Blue, and spiral down around your body, and closes under your feet.
The light changes from blue to Indigo (or Purple) and spiral up around your body, and closes over the top of your head.
The light changes from indigo /purple to White/Silver/Gold, and spiral down around your body, and closes under your feet.
You are now safely place inside a simple and strong energy cocoon, that prevents unwanted energy to stick to you, and allow you to preserve your own energy.
it works well in the physical body and out of it.
This is one for the daily toolbox. These simple meditations work on you using BiNueral Beat Tones that induce a deep state of relaxation and meditation. I often use these work on various subconscious issues or just a a quick re-charge in the middle of the day.
With Love - Daniel
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Osho Dynamic Meditation
I came accross this mediation while living in India in 2009. Osho has a profound life story and many many many meditations and talks that can serve as a tool for inner peace. But this mediation goes to the depths. Combining Kundalini practices with focus with movement with rest, it could be called the all encompassing mecca of all meditations. It is an hour in length and includes five stages. I personally have not been able to continue this practice on an ongoing basis but would reccomend it as I could only imagine the physical and mental barriers that could be crossed with this profound meditation. Osho groups and centers are located all over the world and are easy to find near you.
Blessings - Daniel
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These are some of our favorites below ....
(Click Links for Instructions)
Kundalini Meditation (energy)
Meditation for Pain Relief
Golden Flower Meditation
Movement Meditation
Candlelight Meditation
Laughter Meditation
A Wonderful Kids Meditation
In a world of sensory overload and school, family and internal pressures, kids need meditation as much as adults. Meditation helps kids develop focus, regulate their own emotions and learn how to pay attention inside and out. It gives them a sense of center and, therefore, resilience.